Especially made for the LGBT(QI) Community

Posts tagged ‘Transgender’

Isolated Ignorance

We have all been through this at one time or another and that is ignorance.  No matter if you’re a lesbian, bi, gay, transgendered, intersexed or even a cis-gendered person (A male or a female who was born in their gender and or sex and is completely content with themselves), you have had some form of ignorance bestowed upon you.

It’s not comfortable and is something that tremendously needs to be addressed, for example; If you’re a gay male, a ignorant person may come up and say, “Hey! Do you take it up the butt?”, likely your first chain reaction is to be lost for words and you’re likely going to be standing there awkwardly…But in your mind you’re going to be thinking, “Why is this person asking me something so personal? Do they have any decency?! And of all times and places…Why now?”

My train of thought is, why is it their business? Their not your sexual partner, neither are they someone close to you, it’s sickening and rude, it’s like asking a cis-gendered male, ‘Hey! Do you do your girlfriend in the front?”, it’s just a question that is taboo and not meant to be asked…At least not publicly and in such a crude manner.

You may be asking me why am I bringing up this resentful topic, it’s because throughout my entire course in this life I have had myriad amounts of ignorant occasions come up and even to this very day I could probably retain about half of these vehement moments and it makes me depressed and isolated sometimes and I want you the COMMUNITY, the FUTURE to know that hope is beaming up and through this petrifying time of struggle and chaos…Ignorance is starting to dwell down and people of all parts of life are just accepting people for who they are and not even wanting to ask them questions, they JUST ACCEPT THEM and that’s something that all of us should remember and practice on a daily basis because you may never know, there might be a person sitting next to you on a train, a bus, a plane or you might even pass them by on the street and they might need a friend or someone there to cheer them up through their sorrows and pain and you might just be the person to help with that — But remember, don’t be ignorant and really try to listen to their woes because in the end, they may help you back against ignorant people, in this small, small world — Written by velvetheaven

Terms of Use and Disclaimer!

This site it to be used only to give aid to the LGBT Community. Any use of this site other wise will not be tolerated.

Also! This site may include language and content not suitable for children younger than 13. You have been warned that I will take no responsibility of any unwarranted use of this site. Meaning, if you get pissed that your kid is reading about safe sex then I guess I can start of by saying power to your kid and blame yourself for not monitoring your kid :P.

Oh! and please be nice to one another…

BobbySuave o.O

Something random!

I just thought this was worth posting up XD!!

Funny Stuff

Where do you find a the most prospective dates?

For some its online and for others its at the club. What works for you?!


What I think every female should know!

Okay, so I was telling this story to my significant other and I was surprised that he/she (vague I know XD) had no idea that this could happen that I decided that every one should know….. you know… just in case… o.O.

Okay well I knew a straight couple that decided they would like to try something new, you know to juice up the relationship. They decided that they will try Mayonnaise as a lubricant. Well a few days later the girl was at school and during a lecture she started to have a massive orgasm. Well she went to the doctor and she found out that she had maggots growing in her vagina!

I just thought you guys should know! Don’t not use dairy products as a lubricant! As a matter of fact, lubricant must be water based to be the most efficient and safe!! AND Do not use baby oil, it can increase your chances of cervical cancer!! o_O

BobbySuave 😛

Is age just a number?

When it comes to age, statistics show that couples involving two gay men tend to have the largest age gap.  Most of our modern society frowns upon such a large difference (15-20 years).  What do you think?  Do you think age is just a number?  Or do you think it’s unnatural for such a relationship to exist?

I personally prefer such an age difference.  I find that many guys my own age have interests that lie outside my own…and inversely -I find that more mature guys share my interests and concerns.  The relationships I develop are deeper and i have to act very removed when going out into public.  Despite all the judging eyes however, I wouldn’t change it for the world 🙂

Contributed by ramblingbramble