Especially made for the LGBT(QI) Community

Posts tagged ‘Gay’

Finally, over 50% of America supports gay marriage!

The Washington Post/ABC news took a poll asking “Do you think it should be legal or illegal for gay and lesbian couples to get married?” Surely enough, the number of people who replied that gay marriage should be legal increased by 17 percent making it now 53%!

According to the “results indicate increased support from men, college-educated whites, political independents and participates who are not religious-affiliated.”

The poll was randomly conducted by phone from March 10 to 13 and sampled 1,005 adults.


Questions Students May Ask and Possible Reponses About Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People

SVG Version of Image:Hrc_logo.png, which has t...

Image via Wikipedia

I have found a pdf from HRC that can help adults answer questions asked by children that they don’t fully understand. However, I think this pdf can help people of all ages, please take a look.

Here is a little snippet, I will provide the pdf at the bottom.

What does “gay” mean?
Being gay means that a person loves, in a very special way, someone who is the same gender. For example, a gay man wants to be involved with and love another man. A gay woman, or
lesbian, wants to be involved with and love another woman. Gay people might choose to have a special relationship with someone and share their home and have a family together. Keep it simple. Focus on relationships and family. For older students you could say, “Men who are attracted to and want to have romantic relationships with men.” Or, “Women who are attracted to and want to have romantic relationships with women.” (Note: For more definitions see: What Does Gay Mean? on page C2)


What’s a lesbian?
The word “lesbian” describes a woman who is attracted to and wants to have a romantic relationship with a woman. Or you could say that a lesbian is a woman who wants to fall in love with or is in love with another woman in a very special way. How does someone know if they are gay? At what age do you become gay? Some people may realize they are gay when they are teenagers, while others may not figure it out until they are much older. Being gay has to do with a feeling deep inside of you. (Note: People who are LGBT often say they may have felt different when they were younger but that they didn’t
identify this feeling of difference with being gay until they were teenagers or older.)


Are you born LGBT?
People don’t know for sure. Scientists have not been able to agree about why some people are LGBT. However, most scientists believe that sexual orientation is just a part of who you are when you are born. (According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Sexual orientation probably is not determined by any one factor but by a combination of genetic, hormonal and environmental influences. In recent decades, biologically based theories have been favored by experts.”1)


Is it a choice?
No, it is not a choice. People don’t choose to be gay or not. As people grow older they become aware of feeling attracted to others, whether those feelings are for someone of the same gender, a different gender or both. (According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Sexual orientation is usually established during early childhood.”2)

Questions Students May Ask and Possible Reponses About Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People

“Ex-Gay” Ministries

Rainbow flag flapping in the wind with blue sk...

Image via Wikipedia

So I was looking for something to write about and I came across this article by TWO called “Here is Why People Disrespect So-Called “Ex-Gays” Like Christopher Doyle“. Unfortunately, there was much ranting and non-existent statistics and facts that backed his article. So I brought it upon myself to find these statistics and facts that can finally prove what the value of these ministries are.

On a side note, I will not recognize “ex-gay’s” as a sexual orientation and will continue to put the name in quotations. 🙂

For you that don’t know what “Ex-gay” ministries are let me explain: “Ex-gay,” according to Wikipedia, is a term and concept used to describe persons who were once considered to be gay, lesbian or bisexual, but who no longer assert that identity. The goal of these ministries is toconvert gays and lesbians from having a homosexual orientation into heterosexuals,” ultimately.
Oh, by the way, I have provided all of my sources which are at the bottom for your reference. Enjoy.

To continue, Dr Ariel Shidlo and Dr. Michael Schroeder, mind you that there are no evidence of bias, did a 7-year study of “ex-gays” called “Changing Sexual Orientation: a consumer’s report” that was published in a peer reviewed journal in 2001. Pretty much, the study was based on the success rate, or should I say, failure rate of “Ex-gay” Ministries. Here are the results:

Study subjects: 202
Number that were no longer struggling and were fully heterosexual: 8
Of those 8, number that were not employees or volunteers of ex-gay groups: 1
Number that felt they had failed: 176
Number who felt conversion had done long term harm: 155
Number who attempted suicide during therapy: 23
Number who attempted suicide after therapy: 11
Number who reported spiritual harm: 100

It makes you wonder why these practices are permitted logically, morally and ethically. Even before 1973, when the American Psychological Association eliminated homosexuality as a mental disorder (Bayer, 1981), repeated studies by top mental health researchers confirmed it was virtually impossible to change someone’s sexual orientation, even through behavioral therapy measures such as electric shock treatments and pain therapy (aversive conditioning), hypnosis, psychotropic medications, clinical/religious individual and group therapy, and others had been employed (Shidlo & Schroeder, 2002; Spitzer, 2003). Even now the American Psychological Association, in bold, concludes “efforts to change sexual orientation are unlikely to be successful and involve some risk of harm.” They also go on to say “Same-sex sexual attractions, behavior, and orientations per se are normal and positive variants of human sexuality—in other words, they do not indicate either mental or developmental disorders…Gay men, lesbians, and bisexual individuals form stable, committed relationships and families that are equivalent to heterosexual relationships and families in essential respects.”

To close, there is more proof that these ministries are illegitimate: One of the most outspoken people claiming that they were “cured” was John Paulk, who became active with the anti-gay groups Focus on the Family and Exodus. He was “cured” to the point that, after marrying and having children, he went to the Washington D.C. gay bar Mr. P’s where he purchased drinks for other bar patrons for over an hour and later claimed he did not know it was a gay bar and only entered to use the restroom.

Please, people understand that you can not believe everything you read or hear and know that some people will do whatever they can to persuade you to do what they want. Understand that a “fact” without reoccurring proof from unbiased, un-benefiting individuals is not a fact but a warped lie and opinion. Please do your own research and come up with your own conclusion instead of letting someone else make them for you. Research the links I have provided and more. I even challenge you to prove me wrong. Please, don’t get scammed.



Gay Sex Vs. Straight Sex and Much more.

Oh Wow. I found this post from okCupid with a lot of great statistics :). Feel free to check it out. Click Here to go to the site.

The site has statistics that show that gay men and woman are not, based on statistics, attracted to straight people. Based on the number of match searches members of each sexual orientation they have found:

Match Search Returns

  • only 0.6% of gay men have ever searched for straight matches.
  • only 0.1% of lesbians have ever searched for straight matches.
  • only 0.13% of straight people’s profile visitors are gay. “

Also they show that gay people aren’t, statically, promiscuous. Based on a study of the number of sex partners each sexual orientation that has had sexual relations with here is what they have come up with:

Median Reported Sex Partners
  • straight men: 6
  • gay men: 6
  • straight women: 6
  • gay women: 6
  • 45% of gay people have had 5 or fewer partners (vs. 44% for straights)
  • 98% of gay people have had 20 or fewer partners (vs. 99% for straights)

According to this data only 2% of the gay people actually fall into the group “promiscuous.”

252,900 straight people were asked the question: have you ever had a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex? The results were amazing!!

For men women combined the results were:

For men alone the results were:

And for women alone the results were:

Obviously, this was pretty clear:

    Straight women’s same-sex desires: 

  • 1 in 3 straight women have hooked up with another woman.
  • and of those who haven’t, over 1 in 4 would like to.

There is a lot more on the site. Check it out 🙂

have you ever had a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex?

If you were Gay

Another funny video 🙂


P.S. The youtube video takes you to the youtube site. You can watch it there :).

Episode 1: Emily


Bobby 😛

Gay Bashing…

So, I was at a “Coming Out Dance” a few days ago and the dance was interrupted by a gay bashing. According to my sources a gay man was socked in the face by heterosexual man ( I will leave race out of this ). Of course, I suspect the gay man was edging the heterosexual man on. However, why do you think socking someone in their face would solve anything? Also, what are you trying to prove by doing so?

Please, enlighten me, why do people resort to violence? Has our society not grown from the past? It is as if the “past is repeating” First, with the Woman’s Movement, then with desegregation of Blacks, and now with the LGBT community, all striving for acceptance. Must we have to go through such idiotic treatment because people still can’t get past their differences and just accept.

Lastly, I wanna leave with this,  just like Martin Luther King said, we must fight without using violence. We must use our minds to influence through words, politics, and movements. I cannot emphasize this enough.

Please, let me know your thoughts on this. If you know anyone that has been a victim of gay bashing please share their story. Also, if you feel as though gay bashing is appropriate then let me know why?

Isolated Ignorance

We have all been through this at one time or another and that is ignorance.  No matter if you’re a lesbian, bi, gay, transgendered, intersexed or even a cis-gendered person (A male or a female who was born in their gender and or sex and is completely content with themselves), you have had some form of ignorance bestowed upon you.

It’s not comfortable and is something that tremendously needs to be addressed, for example; If you’re a gay male, a ignorant person may come up and say, “Hey! Do you take it up the butt?”, likely your first chain reaction is to be lost for words and you’re likely going to be standing there awkwardly…But in your mind you’re going to be thinking, “Why is this person asking me something so personal? Do they have any decency?! And of all times and places…Why now?”

My train of thought is, why is it their business? Their not your sexual partner, neither are they someone close to you, it’s sickening and rude, it’s like asking a cis-gendered male, ‘Hey! Do you do your girlfriend in the front?”, it’s just a question that is taboo and not meant to be asked…At least not publicly and in such a crude manner.

You may be asking me why am I bringing up this resentful topic, it’s because throughout my entire course in this life I have had myriad amounts of ignorant occasions come up and even to this very day I could probably retain about half of these vehement moments and it makes me depressed and isolated sometimes and I want you the COMMUNITY, the FUTURE to know that hope is beaming up and through this petrifying time of struggle and chaos…Ignorance is starting to dwell down and people of all parts of life are just accepting people for who they are and not even wanting to ask them questions, they JUST ACCEPT THEM and that’s something that all of us should remember and practice on a daily basis because you may never know, there might be a person sitting next to you on a train, a bus, a plane or you might even pass them by on the street and they might need a friend or someone there to cheer them up through their sorrows and pain and you might just be the person to help with that — But remember, don’t be ignorant and really try to listen to their woes because in the end, they may help you back against ignorant people, in this small, small world — Written by velvetheaven

Hey mom I’m bi…..


Well “for the purposes of this site” you may call me blondie1015 XP. So lets begin, my mother is a lesbian and I’ve grown up with having a gay mom my whole life. I always questioned whether I liked girls. When I was in preschool I had a girlfriend but to me that was normal until I got older. And that’s when I started being with boys. I liked and still do like boys but…there was one person, who was a female, that i couldn’t deny my attraction. It was so weird. And well, I’m with her now. We have an amazing relationship. It’s very solid and I’m not scared of anything when I’m with her. Being with her has allowed me to discover so many things about my self. Like the fact I’m attracted to other girls as well as boys. I guess you can call me bisexual but the funny thing is that i never used to believe in bisexuals. i thought it was just a comfort zone. like your able to be gay without having to fully admit it. but hey, look at me. so i guess I’m still trying to figure that out. As for my mom, she doesn’t understand at all!!! She thinks I’m one of those straight girls that just wants to ef with a gay girls emotions. (obviously not) my mom’s mom sat me down and had a long convo with me because she was scared for me. She said she couldn’t help me with anything because she can not imagine what it’s like being with a girl. and that i would be able to contract std’s more easily because how can you protect yourself if it’s two girls?? (I don’t even know really) My other grandma is super religious, I’m scared to even tell her…she looks at me as her perfect angel.. Judgments come from every end of the spectrum, even my mother who is gay cannot understand what it means to be “bisexual”. It still is sometimes hard because im torn between wanting a “normal” relationship (boy/girl) and wanting to be with the person i love so much. Sometimes it’s soo confusing. But in the end…she makes me happy. And shouldn’t that be all that matters?? Why does the world feel the need to get involved with other people’s relationships. geez loo-eez. well, i love her…and that’s my story 😉

Contributed by blondie1015

Terms of Use and Disclaimer!

This site it to be used only to give aid to the LGBT Community. Any use of this site other wise will not be tolerated.

Also! This site may include language and content not suitable for children younger than 13. You have been warned that I will take no responsibility of any unwarranted use of this site. Meaning, if you get pissed that your kid is reading about safe sex then I guess I can start of by saying power to your kid and blame yourself for not monitoring your kid :P.

Oh! and please be nice to one another…

BobbySuave o.O